Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Getting Here (or there, depending when you read this...)

Day one and two (they kind of melded into one because of the time change):

Dad and I are finally in Ireland. We left on the fifteenth from Montreal towards Ireland with a transfer in Toronto. On the Montreal-Toronto flight, we got first class! The seats were so cool!!! I slept on the six-hour flight from Toronto to Dublin but dad didn't (he held my head up as I drifted in and out of sleep because the seats didn't go back). After dropping our bags off at our hotel, dad and I walked around and shopped.

Day three:

Today we woke up late (9 o'clock) then took a tour of Dublin on a "hop on hop off" tour bus. We could get on or off at any stop and the busses came every ten minutes. We stopped at the Guiness Storehouse and walked through a museum describing the stout and how it was made. Afterwards, dad got a complimentery pint of Guiness (I got coke because I am underaged). I tried dad's Guiness, yuck! After lunch dad and I got back on the bus and went to Trinity College. There we saw the Book of Kells and the huge library. It is raining now but we are told that this is normal. We did get sun yesterday and this morning. The tourbus guide said there would be sun for ten minutes on Friday morning.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

wow that's totally awesome guys! i'm glad you made it safely and are having a good time. Hey Angela, can you get me a post card? i colect them and don't have one from Ireland, that would be soo cool! well have a great trip and i'll be reading your updates