Tuesday, July 24, 2007

If it's Tuesday, this must be Cork

We stayed at a hostel in Kenmare last night, on the "Ring of Kerry." The internet at the hostel wasn't working and we couldn't find another one, so we didn't get a chance to post an update about Monday.

We took the "scenic route" along the Shannon river to Tralee and learned that, unless you're on the top level of a tour bus, "scenic route" is mostly a "potentially scenic route." We often could not see much of the surrounding countryside because of the hedges, walls, trees and other prolific greenery. But none-the-less, what we could see was beautiful. Once past Tralee, we headed for Dingle, and that was a great experience - with better visibility for the most part. Dad, however, kept his eyes on the road rather than on the scenery as the driving was incredible. They paint lines dwn the centre of the roads and on each side when there is "officially" room for two vehicles to pass. Sometimes the two side lines disappear and that means that the road is not quite as wide as you'd like. And then when the lines all disappear, you know that it is not really possible for two cars to pass each other without one wheel in the ditch (there are no ditches in Ireland, only walls). But the whole Dingle penninsula was amazing, and we stopped at every possible lookout or small patch of gravel at the side of the road to take a better look and take some photos.

The town of Dingle was quaint and we had lunch there. (And shopped.) Then we drove around the ring road at the end of the penninsula, which was awesome! Standing at the end, we squinted towards the west, but we couldn't quite see Canada on the horizon. We climbed on some cliffs we stumbled upon. We had a wonderful afternoon - we both agreed it was our best to date.

We passed through Kilarney and Kilarney National Park to get to Kenmare for the night, and enjoyed some impromptu entertainment at the hostel from some of the other, musically talented guests. Angela will tell you about the park in the next entry for today.

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