Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Wednesday in Dublin

They say that it sometimes rains in Ireland. And sometimes it doesn't. That's how the weather seems to go - warm, cool, wet, dry, sunny, cloud... Just wait a few minutes and it will change. Although we have had some showers (even while on the open top of the city tour bus), the weather has been great for touring - as long as we keep our jacket and umbrella nearby.

This morning we got up earlier (like 8:30 local time) and slept better. Had breakfast at a little place on our street where they serve bacon between two pancakes and wrap it up like a sub. Angela had half for breakfast, Dad had the other half for lunch.

We went on an historical walking tour starting from Trinity College gates. The tour guide was a history post-grad student and was passionate about the history of Ireland. Two hours of interesting stories and perspectives. Saw some great archetecture and learned lots (which we'll probably forget soon).

As we were on the south side of the river, we walked down to St. Patrick's Cathedral and toured this 800 year old church. Visited the gift shop, of course...

It is a beautiful afternoon, and we sat at a riverside cafe to rest our tired feet (we shared a coke to cover the rent on the table and chairs). Don't know what we'll do this evening - maybe visit Temple Bar area to see if there is a free concert happening.

Last night we had dinner at the Arlington hotel pub and looked forward to the live music to follow - but it was a little disappointing (and we were tired).

By the way, Angela and Dad are sharing in the writing of this blog and entries may be written by either of us...

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