Friday, July 27, 2007

Now that we're home...

Angela took 650 pictures and videos during our 11 days in Ireland. Once we get them onto the computer and edit them down, we plan to post a bunch of them here to share with you. Please check back soon.

We had no trouble getting out of Shannon and through Toronto to Montreal. Just as we were getting onto the plane in Shannon, there was a big rainstorm coming into western Ireland, so we knew it was time to leave. We felt as if we were blessed with perfect weather the whole time we were there. There almost always seemed to be blue sky overhead. Temperature ranged from 16C at night to no more than 23C during the day. Not too humid either.

When we got to our car at the airport in Dorval, Dad realized that instead of dropping off the hotel key that morning in Shannon, he had dropped off his car keys and kept the hotel key. After checking every single pocket of our luggage, we called Grandma and Grandpa in Pointe-Claire to have them pick us up instead. When they arrived, they handed us a spare key to our car, which Jennifer had happened to leave with them two years ago, unknown to us. God is good!

Angela slept the whole way to Lennoxville, but we made it home safe and sound (and tired).

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